day one
and so we hit the streets
a girl who would fuck anyone and snort anything
a boy who knows the city too well
and was known for saying he could read the stars.

i knew what was happening here
we didnt eat cheese

downtown. 3 am.
random club with glittered walls
egg, tofu, jolly rancher

girl went home with the boy who offered her purple nose candy.
boy danced with boys.
4 illegal martinis down before 4:30 am.

tonight was a bad night
woman with pink hair promised she could make it better
15 dollars

i left the club
i need anything, i'll even take acid at the right price.
drip drop drip drop
i couldnt find shit

2003-08-06 - 1:29 p.m.
next and last


about me
i opened this diary years ago and forgot about it completely until recently. now i'm updating again and i hope you're still reading.

& link me